Birthed Out of Necessity

Have you ever had the desire to be an instrument of change? Yet, in spite of your willingness, ability, intellectual preparedness, avalanche of opinions and theories….you still felt horribly and miserably unqualified to be that change you so desperately MUST be.

….because deep in your heart you knew this was a monumental task…one so much greater than any one person. A task that would require the efforts of many with a shared goal

This is my dilemma. I feel safe in saying this is the same dilemma that 51% of this country wakes up to every day.

November 9,  2016 – the day our world changed…..

A Word…

“It’s not the word that’s important, it’s the right to say any word you want to and to form any sentence you want to, that’s the point and once they start to legally restrict what we can say and what we can’t say then we are on a slippery slope to authoritarianism.”….