The Trump Train Takeover

So Donald Trump chopped it up with the President of Taiwan and folks are literally flipping out. I say it’s all part of the GOP’s master plan.

Although I don’t think Donald Trump has any idea what’s going on, his advisers do and they love making the media aware of his many missteps. They love to fuel the flame and then his supporters want to bash media outlets for reporting what they’ve been given via press releases/statements.

Nobody is suggesting that America should cower or dance to anyone else’s music. But diplomacy has quelled many issues that would have resulted in military action otherwise. It would behoove this administration to take note and stop attempting to instigate a pissing contest with other superpowers.

Personally, I think Trump is being set up to be the fall guy so Pence (the one the Conservative party not base, really want) can slide right in. I mean the man isn’t even taking daily intel briefings. How concerned could he really be about our safety?

And y’all really don’t want this dude….

Choice and Consequences


If you ask either of my children what my favorite saying is, they’ll be able to recite it in a heart beat. It’s that one familiar quote I’ve used on them a million and one times. It’s fitting for almost any occasion – bad grades, staying out past curfew, leaving food particles on dishes that I was assured had been scrubbed spotless.

I can remember the first time I heard it. It’s a simple statement but for me it was so profound it was as if the sky had opened and the hand of God had reached down and plucked me right between the eyes.

……You have control of your choices, not the consequences.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to decipher exactly what this means – think long and hard before you do it. You are the most powerful when you’re in the act of doing. Once it’s done – good, bad, or otherwise….the ball is no longer in your court.

I wish people had really thought about that a couple of weeks ago when the most divisive and downright ugly presidential campaign we’ve seen in decades was coming to an end.

People were feeling all kinds of ways. You had those who were mad with the “establishment” (code for pissed that Obama had served two terms)…some that just couldn’t wrap their mind around Hillary being Commander-in-Chief, period. Maybe America isn’t ready for it’s first woman president…maybe people couldn’t stomach the idea of Bill being back in the Oval “smoking” all those expensive cigars. Maybe she just had too much baggage. I mean you can’t spend over three decades in politics and not have any.

Sorry. Not sorry. You can’t.

So, Americans made several choices. Over 40% of us stayed home. A large majority voted for Trump and even more voted for her. Well, that should be a done deal then, right?

Wrong. Our very antiquated electoral college kind of makes the popular vote…well…it’s pretty much as worthless as a degree from Trump University.

And as fate would have it, a narcissistic, misogynistic, egomaniacal, pussy grabbing, billionaire playboy was elected as the 45th president of these United States.

We all knew…and don’t lie like you didn’t. All of us know he has about as much business in the White House as Bozo, the clown. But hey…we’re all patriots. We all want to see this thing work. No matter our differences…we all love our country. Even if the president-elect does have a white nationalist as his chief adviser and an unrepentant bigot as Attorney General.

I mean…can’t we all just get along (insert blank stare, followed by side eye).

But folks it’s becoming increasingly clear. We have literally shit and stepped in it! One can only hope that things manage…(by some miraculous gift of the gods)…to work out. Let us send up incantations or unleash an aerosal fog of Indian House Blessings spray in hopes that he and his band of merry men will either get  gone or get it right…

After all, what we’re dealing with right now are those dastardly consequences I warned you about in the beginning….

Birthed Out of Necessity

Have you ever had the desire to be an instrument of change? Yet, in spite of your willingness, ability, intellectual preparedness, avalanche of opinions and theories….you still felt horribly and miserably unqualified to be that change you so desperately MUST be.

….because deep in your heart you knew this was a monumental task…one so much greater than any one person. A task that would require the efforts of many with a shared goal

This is my dilemma. I feel safe in saying this is the same dilemma that 51% of this country wakes up to every day.

November 9,  2016 – the day our world changed…..