Forget The Kegels Bihhh…We Good

Man, I swear to gawd you can log on the the inter nets at any given moment of the day and find some monumentally mind blowing shit. From splicing human and animal embryos to news of Russia cyber fucking one of the cornerstones of our democracy – elections. There’s always a story to be told. My most recent revelation was anĀ article about sexbots.

The author of the article shares her thoughts on the inevitable obsolescence of the red blooded woman to be replaced by mother (no pun intended) boards, wiring and turbocharger accessibility.

One can only hope that human contact and social interaction remain a vital part of this thing called life.

Eerily reminiscent of so many sci-fi movies I’ve seen. Everyone who’s anyone will have one. I don’t think “women” are in jeopardy of becoming obsolete. There will be levels to this madness.

Side chick roles may diminish as Don Juan can have an assortment of artificial side chicks in his basement without fear of a felony conviction.