Justice and Liberty Ain’t For All

We’ll never know why Walter Scott decided to run from former South Carolina police officer Michael Slager. Maybe his delinquent child support payments had something to do with it. Or maybe he’s like many black men in America these days …..scared to fucking death when they’re involved in an encounter with the police.

None of that matters though. Running, resisting, or being argumentative with law enforcement SHOULD NOT BE A DEATH SENTENCE!


I suppose we just expected too much. I mean there was the eye witness video of  Slager firing eight shots at Scott’s back, hitting him five times.

And then there was the shabby coverup and false narrative about the taser we saw him (Slager) dropping beside the body of the decedent.

One would think 12 people would have had no problem unanimously finding this scum guilty of cold blooded murder!

This is one of the few cases that has advocates for Black, White, and Blue Lives agreeing on one thing – Slager’s guilt. Yet we’re where we’ve been so many times before in America….

…. A Hung Jury….

Nothing new when you look at the long, painful history of injustices that have been intricately woven into the black experience in America since the founding of our republic.

Roy Bryant and J.W. Milan were just two who came to mind who enjoyed good ol fashioned southern justice after being found NOT GUILTY of murdering Emmett Till.

The jury took just an hour and seven minutes to return the not guilty verdict. One juror said it wouldn’t have taken that long, but they stopped to take a soda pop break to “make it look good.”

My God….

Is this the country I was born in…a citizen of a country that devalues the lives of people of color in every way they possibly can.

The evidence on Slager was solid and damning, certain to yield a conviction. The only thing IMO any more incriminating would have been a freaking recorded confession.

Yet…he’s still free.

Is it the system ….the people…..the skin color of the victim….

Why does justice keep eluding us.

How Badly Do You Really Wanna Know

In today’s world of dating, you can be almost whoever you wanna be during the proverbial “courtship” phase. With online hookups becoming the most popular (only second to the good old fashioned chance meetings in real life), everyone has an opportunity to put their best foot forward.

You upload all these amazing pics…..Facetuned selfies, snapshots of those 3 times you worked out last year, pics of when you vacationed in Cancun…I mean anybody who scans your profile would be crazy not to pounce on a chance to get with you.


…And don’t even think about trying to fake it like we did back during the chatroom days of the mid 90s when the right A/S/L was assured to get you a steamy session in the infamous “WHISPER BOX”.  Hell, we were catfishing before catfishing was a word. I was the copy/paste queen back then. I could be a perky petite blond on Monday and an athletically toned chocolate brown vixen by Friday. All you had to do was gauge the pulse of the room you were in. You could literally be EVERY WOMAN….(in my Whitney Houston voice)

But just like real world dating reality will eventually bite and with Skype, video cam and other bubble bursting technological advances the truth will come out…so it’s best to be straight up from day one and save yourself the BS.

……which brings me to the point of this post.

For those who don’t know I’m a TV series binger. There’s nothing more fulfilling for me than grabbing my favorite blanket, my Firestick remote and nestle comfortably on the couch for a day long session of my favorite shows. The newest kid on the block, in my plethora of favorites, is Insecure. It’s Issa Rae’s debut series, airing on HBO.

In one of the episodes, her BFF Molly, who’s luck with men inspired Issa’s impromptu open mic rap “Broken Pussy” (yeah…hunty…it’s that bad)…has seemingly met a guy that’s perfect…or as close to perfect as one can hope for these days.

After some hot steamy sex, they’re eating leftovers, basking in the afterglow, and having a little candid convo. Y’all know what I’m talking about. Those casual conversations you have where you’re listening to him, he’s listening to you and you’re just vibing….

He shares stories about his countless escapades (….and you’re either laying across his chest or propped up with your head resting on your cupped hand…and you’re mentally taking notes like a stenographer). This will either be filed in the shit to use against him later or things I swear to gawd I’ll never do folder!

You know not to share too much about your past love life because GIRL RULE #5 – men cannot fathom the idea that their potential girl has been with more than 5 previous sex partners. So you casually mention the first five you can remember and pray you don’t forget.


Well…back to Molly.

Her boo casually mentions that one time in college he hooked up with a guy and got some head!



He keeps chomping on his cup of Ramen noodles like he didn’t just say what you know you heard him say. Meanwhile, life as you know it as come to a screeching freakin’ halt!!

Now…keep in mind…this is a great guy. Your dream guy, who makes it clear that he’s not gay and would never think of doing anything even remotely close to that again.

(Blank stare….side eye….clutch pearls…mouth drop)

Molly’s entire life has been handed to her in all of 30 seconds. She completely forgets about the fact that she told him, not 10 minutes ago, that she made out with another chick during college. Oooooh….no…but that’s different right. I mean that’s socially acceptable.

Girls making out with each other is totally cool. But knowing that your boo thang got Monica Lewinski’d by another guy!!!

Are you f**king kidding me!!!! Do you even have to ask!!!!!

I must admit the scene had me rethinking my own life. I mean it’s not like me and this guy are brand new. We’ve had sex at least 10 times and each time has been better than the last. But for a moment I had to ask myself how would feel if that type info was revealed to me by someone I was really feeling.

He’s been with a guy….once. And I’ve been with a girl…once. So, who’s right….who’s wrong….who’s gay…who’s not….

Soooo…. I polled a few folks. Every guy I asked had the same answer…

Dude is gay!!!!!! If a man allows another man to touch him, he’s gay…and don’t ask me that shit again!

On the other hand women had varying views. Some felt this automatically makes dude gay. Some didn’t see where there should be a problem and some weren’t sure what to think.

Keep in mind….hardly anyone gave a second thought to Molly’s admission of having experimented with another woman.

So where do you fall in this conundrum….

Is he gay? Was he gay? Does it matter? And why……

Insecure AF!!

So excuse me while I admit that I only recently discovered the fact that Issa Rae has her own HBO series (finger snaps* finger snaps*). I’m not a YouTuber, unless you count the endless hours I spent researching tips, styles, trends, products and what have you regarding the natural hair journey I embarked on about eight years ago.

Oh yes. I officially put in some work perfecting these kinky coils. But that’s about the extent of my YouTube experience. Still, I knew that Issa’s name was on the lips of many. Evidently her YouTube fame, along with her book (I’ve got a copy and I’ll start reading as soon as I finish Queen Sugar) have made her quite a household name.

Well in conversation a couple of days ago I found out she also has an HBO series titled Insecure. I know. I’m slow AF (viewers will understand the over usage of AF). And as luck …my luck… would have it, I found out with only one more episode left in the first season. No worries. Back in the day that would have been enough to send me over the edge but baaaaa-by Fire TV and a subscription to Sling said “WE GOT CHU”…

I started watching the series Saturday night. Knocked seven episodes out in a few hours and was waiting on the season finale like a shopaholic camped out in the Target parking lot hours before the doors open on Black Friday.

I knew the finale was going to be fire. In the episode leading up to it, Issa does the unthinkable. She fesses up to her fiance that she slept with an old boyfriend.


……moment of silence as a show of solidarity for all of us who know without a doubt….SOME SHIT YOU JUST GOTTA TAKE TO THE GRAVE.

I don’t know what my girl was thinking. I mean women, given time…coaxing…begging…pleading the blood of Jesus….time…more begging, generally are able to forgive their significant other and move past his indiscretions – ONE TIME! (habitual offenders are excluded from the “fuck up one time…..we might still be good” pass).

Men, on the other hand, not so much.

Of course, this doesn’t apply to every woman or every guy. For some, infidelity is a deal breaker. Period. I’m just keeping it real. Under no circumstances do I want someone I’m involved with t0 cheat. And one thing life has taught me is….to have an open mind…and don’t make hasty decisions.

But for guys…..

It’s like man law #1201 is violated at the thought of their girl having sex with another guy. They don’t want no parts of your parts after you’ve stained yourself with juices from another loin cloth.

Issa, Issa, Issa…..girl, really?

Just in case you haven’t watched it yet, I want reveal anymore of the plot. I’ll just say this

……Lesson #1 – If you’re dating a guy and he’s good looking, gainfully employed, willing to look beyond your flaws…whilst working on his…and loves you dearly


Second thought….if he’s all those things and UGLY AF….the same still applies!