Insecure AF!!

So excuse me while I admit that I only recently discovered the fact that Issa Rae has her own HBO series (finger snaps* finger snaps*). I’m not a YouTuber, unless you count the endless hours I spent researching tips, styles, trends, products and what have you regarding the natural hair journey I embarked on about eight years ago.

Oh yes. I officially put in some work perfecting these kinky coils. But that’s about the extent of my YouTube experience. Still, I knew that Issa’s name was on the lips of many. Evidently her YouTube fame, along with her book (I’ve got a copy and I’ll start reading as soon as I finish Queen Sugar) have made her quite a household name.

Well in conversation a couple of days ago I found out she also has an HBO series titled Insecure. I know. I’m slow AF (viewers will understand the over usage of AF). And as luck …my luck… would have it, I found out with only one more episode left in the first season. No worries. Back in the day that would have been enough to send me over the edge but baaaaa-by Fire TV and a subscription to Sling said “WE GOT CHU”…

I started watching the series Saturday night. Knocked seven episodes out in a few hours and was waiting on the season finale like a shopaholic camped out in the Target parking lot hours before the doors open on Black Friday.

I knew the finale was going to be fire. In the episode leading up to it, Issa does the unthinkable. She fesses up to her fiance that she slept with an old boyfriend.


……moment of silence as a show of solidarity for all of us who know without a doubt….SOME SHIT YOU JUST GOTTA TAKE TO THE GRAVE.

I don’t know what my girl was thinking. I mean women, given time…coaxing…begging…pleading the blood of Jesus….time…more begging, generally are able to forgive their significant other and move past his indiscretions – ONE TIME! (habitual offenders are excluded from the “fuck up one time…..we might still be good” pass).

Men, on the other hand, not so much.

Of course, this doesn’t apply to every woman or every guy. For some, infidelity is a deal breaker. Period. I’m just keeping it real. Under no circumstances do I want someone I’m involved with t0 cheat. And one thing life has taught me is….to have an open mind…and don’t make hasty decisions.

But for guys…..

It’s like man law #1201 is violated at the thought of their girl having sex with another guy. They don’t want no parts of your parts after you’ve stained yourself with juices from another loin cloth.

Issa, Issa, Issa…..girl, really?

Just in case you haven’t watched it yet, I want reveal anymore of the plot. I’ll just say this

……Lesson #1 – If you’re dating a guy and he’s good looking, gainfully employed, willing to look beyond your flaws…whilst working on his…and loves you dearly


Second thought….if he’s all those things and UGLY AF….the same still applies!