The North Pole, Christian Hellions, and Mythical Pagan Icons


Swear to gawd, I can’t make this stuff up. So, the Mall of America recently hit up one of the upstanding inner city areas of the North Pole looking for a black Santa to bewitch and beguile legions of little ones into at least 2 to 3 weeks of nicety nice-ness  prior to falling into that sweet Christmas eve slumber that will hopefully be followed by a morning where all their dreams come true.

For the first time in the mall’s nearly 20+ year history shoppers and excited little ones would have an opportunity to see that cultural diversity isn’t just a work thing. It’s actually alive and well outside of the mandatorily required confines of our place of employment, even at the North Pole. I mean Santa is a mythical PAGAN icon….and surely occasionally hiring one that looks like little boys and girls of color could only be viewed as a good thing, right?


Well…obviously Christian hellions didn’t get the memo!

The mall’s website was inundated with some of the most vile racist comments you could imagine. So much so that the site removed and disabled the comment section of the post announcing Saint Nick’s new look.

((insert an extremely sad face))

In all honesty, I wasn’t surprised. I posted about it on one of my many social media platforms. I knew there would be gnashing of teeth from the hellions who love to associate themselves with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

((side eye))

One of the most revered Christian holidays couldn’t quell the stench of racism and hatred in this country.

Notwithstanding the fact that Claus, the Christmas tree and just about everything else that evangelicals have been bitching about losing that’s related to the holiday IS PAGAN AF! But that I’m afraid is a subject for a whole other post.


So far, the mall is proceeding as planned and black Santa seems to be settling in quite nicely. Although, I’m sure he’ll be glad when this gig is up. He can head back to Texas…oops I mean the North Pole and resume his life post “the Santa all the Christian hellions hated” days.

As young parents (with our first child), my husband and I lied to our oldest about Santa. All the nicest gifts…..the ones he really wanted the most…were always from SANTA CLAUS.

Boy Bye!

After I was fed up with letting the old chubby white guy take all the credit for our hard earned work, we wised up. We started throwing hints around left and right about this Santa lie. Until finally the kid realized it was all a big con anyway.

And of course when our youngest came along, the oldest took pleasure in bursting his bubble with the dreaded “THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS SANTA CLAUS” ….the words many parents fear their sweet little angels will hear far far too soon any way. It’s cool….They really aren’t that innocent anyway. Trust and believe…they know it’s lie…They’re just playing you to see if “Santa” will bring them all the stuff their parents really can’t afford…

Slick asses….

Got me to thinking though…

Maybe we should just stop lying to our kids, period. Tooth fairies, Santa, Easter bunnies…


It’s a wonder kids make it out of our nurturing nests of delusional mind fuckery with any sanity at all….


Justice and Liberty Ain’t For All

We’ll never know why Walter Scott decided to run from former South Carolina police officer Michael Slager. Maybe his delinquent child support payments had something to do with it. Or maybe he’s like many black men in America these days …..scared to fucking death when they’re involved in an encounter with the police.

None of that matters though. Running, resisting, or being argumentative with law enforcement SHOULD NOT BE A DEATH SENTENCE!


I suppose we just expected too much. I mean there was the eye witness video of  Slager firing eight shots at Scott’s back, hitting him five times.

And then there was the shabby coverup and false narrative about the taser we saw him (Slager) dropping beside the body of the decedent.

One would think 12 people would have had no problem unanimously finding this scum guilty of cold blooded murder!

This is one of the few cases that has advocates for Black, White, and Blue Lives agreeing on one thing – Slager’s guilt. Yet we’re where we’ve been so many times before in America….

…. A Hung Jury….

Nothing new when you look at the long, painful history of injustices that have been intricately woven into the black experience in America since the founding of our republic.

Roy Bryant and J.W. Milan were just two who came to mind who enjoyed good ol fashioned southern justice after being found NOT GUILTY of murdering Emmett Till.

The jury took just an hour and seven minutes to return the not guilty verdict. One juror said it wouldn’t have taken that long, but they stopped to take a soda pop break to “make it look good.”

My God….

Is this the country I was born in…a citizen of a country that devalues the lives of people of color in every way they possibly can.

The evidence on Slager was solid and damning, certain to yield a conviction. The only thing IMO any more incriminating would have been a freaking recorded confession.

Yet…he’s still free.

Is it the system ….the people…..the skin color of the victim….

Why does justice keep eluding us.